
Doppler Radar


Speed enforcement

Weigh in motion

Multi-purpose monitoring

Doppler Radar

Fixed electronic device intended to monitor traffic Non-metrological violations, and with non-intrusive sensors. It can be mounted on roads with small, medium and large traffic flow, regardless of the roadway’s geometry, the roadway’s structural quality, or the weather conditions. It records all vehicles and after detecting the offense, the device captures the vehicle’s image instantaneously, enabling the identification of the brand, model, registration plate, place, date and time of the violation. It can also produce a video, so that the violation recording is indisputable.


  • Non-intrusive measurement device;
  • It tracks down vehicles along the traffic lanes;
  • A high-definition camera captures the traffic violation, so that the offense recording is indisputable;
  • It enables daytime and night operations with anti-glare lighting when needed;
  • Protection against storms and electric discharge;
  • Designed to comply with the requirements of the Brazilian Industrial Standards Authority (INMETRO), the traffic departments (DETRAN), and other traffic authorities;
  • It can be mounted on overhead bridge span structures, cantilever supports and on the roadside;
  • Able to monitor multiple lanes simultaneously (vehicles parallel to each other) and during complex traffic conditions, such as traffic jams, vehicles parallel to each other and vehicle queues;
  • It can be a joint operation with CCO, local and online.


  • Speed measurement device certified by INMETRO/DIMEL 544 ordinance;
  • Functionalities without measurements are also included, such as red light violations, making an improper U-turn, stopping on a crosswalk, and car rotation systems or exclusive lane systems, among others;
  • It enables the diagnosis of the traffic flow, generating statistical, classification and measurement data;
  • It enables the monitoring of improper lane usage, driving on the wrong side of the road, and driving on the highway shoulder;
  • It identifies the vehicle registration plate (ALPR – Automatic License Plate Reader/ OCR – Optical Character Recognition).

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